Kregel Publications

Our mission as an evangelical Christian publisher is to develop and distribute—with integrity and excellence—trusted, biblically based resources that lead individuals to know and serve Jesus Christ.

Prochain(s) (1)

Image principale de Gospel Thriving for Teens in a World that Compares

Gospel Thriving for Teens in a World that Compares

Fri, Jun 21, 9:15 PM


Image principale de Gospel Thriving for Teens in a World that Compares

Gospel Thriving for Teens in a World that Compares

Fri, Jun 21, 9:15 PM


Our mission as an evangelical Christian publisher is to develop and distribute—with integrity and excellence—trusted, biblically based resources that lead individuals to know and serve Jesus Christ.


Image principale de Gospel Thriving for Teens in a World that Compares

Gospel Thriving for Teens in a World that Compares

Fri, Jun 21, 9:15 PM


Image principale de Gospel Thriving for Teens in a World that Compares

Gospel Thriving for Teens in a World that Compares

Fri, Jun 21, 9:15 PM


Désolé, il n'y a pas d'événements passés