
Better Scrum journey cohorts

15 abonnés

Meet and network with other people from around the world. Be involved using a differentiating approach to training. Benefit from the collective intelligence of your cohort. Learn from all diverse skills gathered in one place.

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Suivez Stay Amazing pour ne jamais manquer un moment


Organisateur de Better Scrum journey cohorts
Hi, call me Marco, I am a Leadership Coach and Team Coach, I was a Developer for 28 years, Scrum Master since 2012, and Agile Coach since 2019I am an expert in the teaching domain, I can:- Create active classrooms, lively and sustainable- Adapt to group dynamics- Achieve successful learning objectives for allI have a passionate training experience, teaching for over 600 hours with over 450 people, and I have a 98% training satisfaction.Connect with meon LinkedIn here: