
A Journey to Reproductive Wellness with Mindy's

182 abonnés

"Join Melissa & Tonya as they merge passions in a tasting tour that transforms reproductive wellness through the power of wholesome food!"

Les événements de cette collection

  • Image principale de Nourish & Flourish: A Journey to Reproductive Wellness with Mindy's Kitchen Taste Tour

    Nourish & Flourish: A Journey to Reproductive Wellness with Mindy's Kitchen Taste Tour

    Sat, Aug 17, 12:00 PM

    À partir de $0.00

  • Image principale de Nourish & Flourish: A Journey to Reproductive Wellness with Mindy's Kitchen Taste Tour

    Nourish & Flourish: A Journey to Reproductive Wellness with Mindy's Kitchen Taste Tour

    Sat, Sep 14, 12:00 PM

    À partir de $0.00

  • Image principale de A Journey to Reproductive Wellness with Mindy's Kitchen Taste Tour

    A Journey to Reproductive Wellness with Mindy's Kitchen Taste Tour

    Sat, Oct 26, 12:00 PM

    À partir de $0.00


Organisateur de A Journey to Reproductive Wellness with Mindy's
The ultimate goal is to create a space for WOMEN to create connections with self and/or other women.#yoga #yoni #family #yonisteam #retreats #women #wellness #health #holistic #yogaandyoni #meditation #mothers #sister #bachelorette #sisterhood #soundhealing #wombwellness #connectingwithself