Welcome Day 2021

Registrations are closed

The registration for this event has ended. More information on welcomeday.uni.lu

Welcome Day 2021

The Welcome Day gives new students the opportunity to discover the campus and to help them assimilate into their new environment.

By University of Luxembourg

Date and time

Thu, 16 Sep 2021 09:00 - 16:00 CEST


University of Luxembourg

2 Avenue de l'Universite 4365 Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg

About this event

About the event

The start of the academic year 2021-2022, however, is not like any other. The current global pandemic has profoundly challenged the way in which we work, teach, and interact with each other. The University strives to achieve the right balance between providing an enriching experience of studies while protecting the health and safety of our students and staff in the ongoing pandemic.

To ensure an enjoyable and safe Welcome Day for all participants, particular rules and procedures will apply.


For any questions, please contact welcomeday@uni.lu

Registration is mandatory.

Please note: Due to COVID-19 regulations, this event is only for new students at uni.lu. Students returning to continue their studies are kindly asked to not register.

Privacy Notice

The University of Luxembourg (hereafter “Uni.lu”) collects and processes your personal data in the framework of your registration and your participation in this event. Uni.lu processes and keeps your personal information only to the extent necessary to fulfill the purpose stated. The personal data collected is your first and last name and your email address, your facultiy affiliation and your CovidCheck status.

Uni.lu is using Eventbrite to offer you an efficient registration tool. During the registration process your personal data is being collected and processed on the Eventbrite website by Eventbrite Inc. located in the United States. As Eventbrite is an American Company this will involve the transfer of your personal data collected during your registration (name, surname, email address , faculty affiliation and CovidCheck status) to the United States which is not considered to provide the same level of protection regarding your personal data as the European Union. Eventbrite Inc. may process your personal data as a controller for different purposes than the purposes of the University of Luxembourg. More information is provided on their webpage updated on 19 January 2021 and in their Privacy Notice.

Eventbrite may, as controller, transfer your personal data to other countries outside the European Union and European Economic Area which remains their decision and their responsibility.

You can deregister from the event directly on the Eventbrite website and withdraw your consent for the processing of personal data by Uni.lu for the purpose and modalities stated above. You have the right to access, rectify, and erase your personal data as well as further rights described on the Uni.lu website under the conditions of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679. You can exercise your rights by contacting solange.wirtz@uni.lu. In case of any questions related to the processing of your personal data you can contact our Data Protection Office at dpo@uni.lu.

Photo & Video Policy

Photographs & videos may be taken for personal use. During the event, the organiser will take pictures and record videos. By registering, guests authorise the University of Luxembourg to record and publish their image in photographic and video format for communications in relation to the event. The organiser undertakes to use this material responsibly, in other words for communications purposes only and not for commercial use.

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