
Coffin Club Colchester

Coffin Club Colchester educates people to understand their choices for low-cost funeral planning and avoidance of funeral poverty.

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  • Coffin Club Colchester primary image

    Coffin Club Colchester

    Tue, Mar 29 • 10:15 AM



Organizer of Coffin Club Colchester
Coffin Clubs help people to reclaim a participatory relationship with death and build strong, supportive communities where people can have frank conversations and reflect on their future with camaraderie. We empower people and help them understand their choices and options for low cost funeral planning.Coffin Club UK is based on a model that has successfully run in New Zealand for a number of years. It is for elderly people, people who are terminally ill, or their carer’s, and for anyone interested to come and work out their funeral wish-list, plan and cost their funeral and if they wish, assemble and personalise their own coffin.